Wednesday, December 23, 2009

It's Christmas Time...

We only got Ethan three real presents for him to open, four total really (he's already playing with one). We buy him odds and ends occasionally and have already got his big stuff for him. He's still having problems sleeping, but I think that's in part his growth spurt and in part the fact that he cut his top two teeth. He's started pulling to a stand occasionally, though not on furniture yet, just when he's sitting on the bed next to Andrew or I or on our laps. He is still trying to do the crawling thing, but I think the problem is he hasn't had the right incentive.

He's a big boy! He's almost outgrown his 12 month sleepers and is wearing all 12 month clothes.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Ethan is getting so big!

Ethan sits up by himself. Ethan eats almost full containers of food (that we buy), he'll eat a full serving of the food we make. He's a very clean eater, doesn't really get it anywhere. He army crawls wherever he wants to go and he crawled just a couple of "steps" last night. He's getting so big! His 6 month appointment is next week and I'm hoping that everything is fine.


Saturday, November 14, 2009

So much!

has happened. Ethan now sits up. (really well I might add). He got his big boy carseat put in today. It's much roomier for him, the only downside is it's impossible to comfort him from the front of the car because the back is so high. He also sat in a high chair the resturant and did pretty good and he rides in the shopping carts for awhile when we go to the grocery store. He's growing up so fast! He's in mostly 9 or 12 months clothes now, but his growth seems to be slowing down pretty good.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sleep Regression

I think there is definitely something to this whole sleep regression thing! Ethan has been up late and early (and a couple times in between) the past couple nights. Of course this would fall on my "reading week". Of course, this is both bad and good. I have the week "off" (still have tons of homework to do and papers to write) so it's not the worst thing to stay up late and get up early, but I'd like to get to sleep at SOME point. Oh well, maybe next year around this time...

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Baby Food!

Ethan has started eating solids (he gets really made if we're eating and he isn't). He did a week of oatmeal and then we started making his baby food. So far he has had banana and sweet potato. He's gotten a lot better at eating, too. I'm so happy we decided to make his food. It takes like 30 minutes 1 day a week and then 5 minutes max prep time before the dinner! And it only has cost about $10 so far for 3 weeks with of food for him!


Friday, October 9, 2009

It's official, Ethan has a tooth that has broken through! I'm hoping that means he won't be drooling quite as much. I also hope that's why he's been acting a little weird this week!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Well I've been in classes for awhile now. I'm really enjoying everything. Things can be really challenging somedays, but I have a really great support system to help me out whenever things get rough. My job is a lot fun (though sometimes I don't have enough to do...I'm learning to pace myself!) Ethan is doing great, he's adjusting to not having me home all the time, but he really is in a better mood on days that I am. He prefers standing to anything else and absolutely loves his jumperoo! You can tell that he's learning how to play with his toys. Also, you couldn't pay him to go back to sleep if he wakes up close to 10pm. He will stay awake until Andrew gets home, pretty much no matter what.

Monday, August 31, 2009

What cute things is Ethan doing these days? Let's see...he has an official pouty face and fully equipped quiver lip that will start way before actually being upset will. He coos and talks to me often, we have had many a conversation...and I'd like to think those conversations are about butterflies. When I put him on the changing table, he immediately lifts up his legs and butt so I can change his diaper (though sometimes he straightens them out so I can't put one back on...

I have orientation this week and then I start classes next week. I'm not looking forward to spending the morning away from him and then having homework detract from spending time with him, but I know that it is what is for the best and that my education is important for both of our futures. Plus, I know that even if I get overwhelmed I've got a great husband to help me through it!


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Who knew it was possible to love someone so much? I'm sure all the parents that came before understood. This song reminds me of Ethan, of him how he is now and how he will be later.

You break the glass, try to hide your face
Recorded lines that just will not erase
And buried in your loss of innocence
You wonder if you'll find it again

Was I there for the worst of all your pain?
And was I there when your blue sky ran away?
Was I there when the rains were flooding you?
Off of your feet
Those were My tears falling down for you, falling down for you
I'm the One that you've been looking for
I'm the One that you've been waiting for
I've had My eyes on you ever since you were born
I will love you after the rain falls down
I will love you after the sun goes out
I'll have My eyes on you after the world is no more

Did I arrange the light of your first day?
Did I create the rhythm your heart makes?
Could you believe when your candle starts to fade?
I want to be the One that you believe
Could take it all away, take your heart away

Isn't My life a clear sign since I have crossed over this chasm
To fill the space between Me and you?
And I will do it all over again
Just look for Me, just wait for Me

The One you've been looking for
The One you've been waiting for
You won't have to look anymore
The One you've been looking for
The One you've been waiting for

Monday, August 17, 2009

Ethan's baby dedication was on Sunday and it was a great service. It had a great message too, that parenthood isn't about laughing and that it is our most important ministry. To leave someone on this earth who is responsible and loving. His 2 month check up is this week and I'm leaving the room for his shots. I just can't imagine how much I'll cry! He also got his pictures professionally done on Saturday and I can't wait until I get them! They will be adorable! YAY! No new pictures for now. Soon though!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ethan is getting his 2 months pictures taken this weekend and having his baby dedication at our home church in Billings. I'm excited and nervous. It didn't go exactly as we planned for planning the dedication and I just feel a little hurt by it, but I realize now that actually I just didn't know what to expect and the "hurt" was partially my fault. I know that I need to start having a better relationship with Micki, because she is the home congregation minister. I'm excited to see all our family and have some fun this weekend! I'll get a little time away from Ethan again (not sure how I feel about it) and we're letting my mom babysit. Overall a good week though.


Thursday, July 30, 2009


I've got a clogged duct and it is pretty painful. I'm trying to make sure I'm pumping enough and long enough. Ethan has given up on nursing again. He also is majorly constipated. He usually has about 2-4 dirty diapers a day, he hasn't had one since Monday night. I've tried using a rectal thermometer (per doctors orders). That didn't work. We've given him prune juice and water...that has KIND OF worked. He had a little dot of stuff in his diaper, which is better than nothing. Hoping that works today because if not, suppositories are the next step! EEK! A big milestone happened yesterday, Ethan held on for dear life to his rattle.


More soon.

Monday, July 27, 2009

I officially believe in miracles.

I was pumping today and Ethan was inconsolably crying. I stopped the pump and offered him my breast (he hasn't latched without screaming since the hospital, so I've been exclusively pumping.) He latched! Then of course, since I was empty he started crying (plus he was crying because of gas not hunger). So a little later he was hungry, and I offered him my breast. He ate 7-8 minutes on each side. He's nursed a couple time since then. I'm sooo excited! I'm not going to be offering the bottle anymore unless he refuses the breast and see if we can make this work!

Ethan in the moby.

Me, Ethan and Wilbur


Aaron and Elmo...poor Elmo


Sunday, July 12, 2009

We swore we wouldn't...

but we are co-sleeping. Ethan sleeps SO much better and for longer periods of time. I think it's more out of convenience that we are doing it. Now that we've moved into the new apartment, I think we'll try to have him sleep in his crib some (once mom gets the mattress next weekend). He has so much stuff (really WE have so much stuff, but especially him). It's going to take a couple weeks to get stuff settled here. We need to buy two bookshelves to even put everything away. I'm thinking Ethan's room is going to be absolutely adorable once we finish it. There is still A LOT to do though. Ethan and I made our first trip without daddy over fourth of july to visit my family. We saw Averie, who was born 15 minutes after Ethan (and is about half his size). We had a good time though! While we were down there Ethan also got to meet his puppy Wilbur and his great grandpa Laney.

This week we had a horrible shock and loss. Andrew's grandpa Graham was diagnosed with Liver Cancer and passed away on Saturday, but not before he got to meet Ethan. Ethan's middle name is Andrew, so was his great grandpa Graham's.

Fourth of July

Averie and Ethan (Averie was beating up on him!)


Great Grandpa Laney and Ethan and I


Ethan and Wilbur sizing each other up


Wednesday, July 1, 2009


First of all, this is the first time I've put down my son for more than 5 minutes since his dad left for work. I don't know why he's being so contrary, but it's hard to do anything at all when he's so fussy and upset. I just fed him 6 ounces too! I don't know how such a small child can eat that much! It is completely mess up. Last night we gave him his first bath. He didn't so much like it, but he got over it pretty quick. He also pooped on me last night, through his diaper. Otherwise, I'm doing pretty good. I need to find some more movies to watch to pass the time, because right now I can't really read (need my hands free) and I don't have many chores. Now I get to go pump and then hopefully my dinner will be here.


Monday, June 29, 2009

Ethan is fussy

Well actually, he's not exactly fussy, just acting a little under the weather I think. He's got some congestion and a little bit of a runny nose, so we're going to set up the humidifier tonight in the bedroom. Andrew has the day off tomorrow so I'm excited that we get to see each other for more than like 4 hours in the day. My incision is starting to feel a lot better and the bleeding is doing pretty good. I got my 4 week follow up scheduled. Ethan is doing so well other than the congestion. He is eating almost 5 ounces a feeding.


Saturday, June 27, 2009

I'm feeling almost completely healed at this point. Just occasional pain. I'm hoping that by next week I can sleep on my stomach. Ethan is doing great (even though breastfeeding didn't work out). I am now officially pumping full time so he's only had a bit of formula. He eats SO much, right now about 5 ounces a feeding every 4 hours. His circumcision is healed, his cord has fallen off, and he is back to his birth weight (probably more now). Pediatrician loved him, said he looked great and was extremely long. He has now officially held his head up (numerous times!) and rolled over, more than once. I'm wondering how my 11 day old baby is doing this "grown up" stuff. He's already in size 1 diapers, he was peeing out of the other ones. He had a horrible diaper rash, but Andrew and I got some awesome organic stuff to use and it cleared it up almost immediately! I'll post pictures soon. Until then...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Our first night home

Ethan did so well during night and day of taking pretty good naps at the hospital. He also had some problems with nursing and so I've been pumping trying to get him full enough that we can start again. Last night I was up for an hour and a half trying to figure out what was wrong with him. Turns out he was hungry (he'd just eaten an hour before). So we feed him and he slept for almost 4 hours. Then we feed him again (much more this time) and he was fussy again for a long time, tried swaddling, pacifer, rocking, walking, shushing, luck. It was less than an hour since he ate and he was hungry AGAIN! Andrew is convinced he has a tape worm. I'm pretty sure he's just a growing hungry boy. Hopefully we get some more rest and have a less grumpy baby! :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

5 days or less!

We are less than a week from the c-section date for little Ethan. I'm hoping he'll come on his own before then, but it seems less than likely. This weekend we are going to keep to ourselves and try to do some stuff that is "just us" before Ethan gets here. I'm so excited for him to be here, but I also know that life is going to change and so a "just us" weekend is going to be important. I'm hoping I don't have the c-section for several reasons, but one is definitely that I want to be home more days while Andrew is off work. I may see if I can talk him into still working while I'm in the hospital so that he can take time off work while Ethan is actually at home! I'll be updating this regularly and adding pictures for friends and family to see!