Sunday, July 12, 2009

We swore we wouldn't...

but we are co-sleeping. Ethan sleeps SO much better and for longer periods of time. I think it's more out of convenience that we are doing it. Now that we've moved into the new apartment, I think we'll try to have him sleep in his crib some (once mom gets the mattress next weekend). He has so much stuff (really WE have so much stuff, but especially him). It's going to take a couple weeks to get stuff settled here. We need to buy two bookshelves to even put everything away. I'm thinking Ethan's room is going to be absolutely adorable once we finish it. There is still A LOT to do though. Ethan and I made our first trip without daddy over fourth of july to visit my family. We saw Averie, who was born 15 minutes after Ethan (and is about half his size). We had a good time though! While we were down there Ethan also got to meet his puppy Wilbur and his great grandpa Laney.

This week we had a horrible shock and loss. Andrew's grandpa Graham was diagnosed with Liver Cancer and passed away on Saturday, but not before he got to meet Ethan. Ethan's middle name is Andrew, so was his great grandpa Graham's.

Fourth of July

Averie and Ethan (Averie was beating up on him!)


Great Grandpa Laney and Ethan and I


Ethan and Wilbur sizing each other up


1 comment:

  1. I wasn't big on the co-sleeping either but we some times do it. And by "some times" I mean once she wakes up in the morning for a feeding. I'll put her in bed with me while she nurses and I try to get some more sleep. I normally don't, but the extra rest it provides my body is better than sitting on the couch, and she nurses just as well. Some times, when we're lucky, we both fall asleep for a couple hours or so. And that is always welcomed!

    Sorry to hear about your loss.
