Saturday, June 27, 2009

I'm feeling almost completely healed at this point. Just occasional pain. I'm hoping that by next week I can sleep on my stomach. Ethan is doing great (even though breastfeeding didn't work out). I am now officially pumping full time so he's only had a bit of formula. He eats SO much, right now about 5 ounces a feeding every 4 hours. His circumcision is healed, his cord has fallen off, and he is back to his birth weight (probably more now). Pediatrician loved him, said he looked great and was extremely long. He has now officially held his head up (numerous times!) and rolled over, more than once. I'm wondering how my 11 day old baby is doing this "grown up" stuff. He's already in size 1 diapers, he was peeing out of the other ones. He had a horrible diaper rash, but Andrew and I got some awesome organic stuff to use and it cleared it up almost immediately! I'll post pictures soon. Until then...

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