Sunday, June 21, 2009

Our first night home

Ethan did so well during night and day of taking pretty good naps at the hospital. He also had some problems with nursing and so I've been pumping trying to get him full enough that we can start again. Last night I was up for an hour and a half trying to figure out what was wrong with him. Turns out he was hungry (he'd just eaten an hour before). So we feed him and he slept for almost 4 hours. Then we feed him again (much more this time) and he was fussy again for a long time, tried swaddling, pacifer, rocking, walking, shushing, luck. It was less than an hour since he ate and he was hungry AGAIN! Andrew is convinced he has a tape worm. I'm pretty sure he's just a growing hungry boy. Hopefully we get some more rest and have a less grumpy baby! :)

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