Saturday, July 6, 2013

How I got a better self image OR Why I deleted my workout quotes board on Pinterest.

It takes a lot of time and change in your life to realize that you are not what the scale says. Society tells us that we are measured in how we look, dress, and how much we weigh. Also in how much money we make and how educated we are. The truth of the matter is, we are only measured in how we view ourselves and how those who love us measure us. My kids, they measure me in how much time I spend with them and how many kisses and hugs I give them. My husband measures me in how hard I work, how much I love our kids, and how well I cook meals. (Among other things). When I first realized how my poor self image was affecting the people around me, including my children, it was through a post on facebook. I had never realized the impact that the words of loved ones can eventually have on your own life. I knew as the future mother of a daughter, that I could not continue to see my self worth as a number on a scale. Sure, I had been a long standing member of the group of people who feels fat shaming is wrong and stand boldly against it in my social media presence. However, what this all comes down to, is ignoring the media all together and being comfortable with who you are. According to my BMI, I am considered morbidly obese. I don't look morbidly obese or feel that way, yet a chart tells me that I am. Society tells me that "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels", well let me tell you, when I was "skinny", I "felt" way worse than I do now. What do I feel now? I feel empowered, loved, and important. I feel that my self image is important and I work to get out of the mentality of feeling "less than" because of my weight. If I want to enjoy something fattening, I will. Do I want to be healthy? Certainly. However, there is a big difference between being healthy and being "skinny" and I get to decide that. I have lower blood pressure than most very fit people that I know, in fact. My workout quotes on Pinterest tended to focus on how if I just worked out hard enough then I would be "good enough" and that is a problem. Beauty and self worth do not come from miles ran or calories burned. They come from the inside and the people that you surround yourself with and the images that you let effect how you live your life. Maybe it is wishful thinking or maybe not, but I hope that others find a word of inspiration in this post.


  1. I read that same article a few weeks ago and I have wondered how my own self image is going to affect Wren. It is important to know that our worth is so much more than the size of our clothes or the number on the scale.

  2. very beautiful PB, I feel ya girl <3 I am so hard on myself, I have to stop and be happy with me as I am.
