Sunday, November 6, 2011

Another week finished...

We've finished another week of being parents. Of being parents of a spirited child. Of trying to re-learn everything we once knew. It's both easy and hard. it's easy to love a child. it's easy on good days to like a child. it's impossible to remember both those things during the horrible moments. Ethan kicked and hit Kellan this week (a new thing). He's also started the typical (I'll do it myself thing) two's- three's issues. We set a plan to work on his intense behavior, which can range from "no's" (normal), to screaming and kicking and crying and wetting our pants because we don't want to put socks on (not normal).

Some of the techniques are working, some are not. We're working on catching the escalation earlier so we can do these things before we have a meltdown.

Hilarious story (for all the rest of you, not so much for me). Ethan likes the snow princess episode of Dora and randomly noticed that we have a snowman ornament that stays on our shelf year round (give to us by a family friend to celebrate Ethan's's breakable). He wanted it. He needed it. SNOW MAN SNOW MAN SNOW MAN! Fit. screaming. tears. and he wouldn't let it go. so we got in the car in search of a new snowman! We went to Dollar Tree (the kid has way too many toys as it is, i'm not buying an expensive snowman on a whim), however, none of those snowmen were good enough. *sigh* So after daddy got off work, we went to walmart and found one. And now he could care less.

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