Monday, January 4, 2010

My new years resolution.

My New Years Resolution is to go more green:
Today is my first day of going completely cloth! That means, cloth diapers all day and cloth wipes for everything from diaper changes to cleaning up Ethan's face.

We're buying another set of dishes to avoid paper plates and plastic silverware. We're getting a basket to put in the kitchen so I can use dish towels instead of paper towels.

I'm working on making our own wipes.

We're switching to more "earth friendly" cleaning products.

I'm hoping to find some other things that we can do, but I think those are a great start!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you!! There are a TON of blogs out there that help with these things... if you click on my name, look at my profile, and then see the list of my reads, there are some there. Young House Love (I think that's the name) is trying to go green too and has a lot of DIY items for around the house. Some of my other reads include baby stuff and personal care. :)
