Saturday, January 23, 2010

Ethan had another playdate with another BBC mom and her son Oliver. They had a great time. Good thing they are both bullies or it would be awkward, because Ethan likes to pick on other kids.


Friday, January 22, 2010

he is into everything. and i mean everything.
that's all for now.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I fear Ethan will be the death of me. He became proficient at crawling and pulling to a stand the same week. He is into EVERYTHING. Luckily I had already babyproofed most of the apartment, so now it's just the battle of keeping everything picked up!

His sleep is slowly getting better so hopefully it will continue to improve. Though last night he only got up twice, I woke up at least 4 times and couldn't figure out why, now I know it was the normal times that he wakes up!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

So I got several new to us diapers online and I got several new bum genius as well. So far every "new" diaper I've put ethan in, he's pooped. I guess he's testing them out for me. I absolutely *LOVE* the happy heinys that we have. And if we ever have another child, I'll be using those! They are SOOOOO soft!

Things are going pretty well on the "green" front. I'm hoping that it keeps going pretty well, too.

Ethan officially crawls and gets everywhere. Ethan loves to stand around, too.

Monday, January 4, 2010

My new years resolution.

My New Years Resolution is to go more green:
Today is my first day of going completely cloth! That means, cloth diapers all day and cloth wipes for everything from diaper changes to cleaning up Ethan's face.

We're buying another set of dishes to avoid paper plates and plastic silverware. We're getting a basket to put in the kitchen so I can use dish towels instead of paper towels.

I'm working on making our own wipes.

We're switching to more "earth friendly" cleaning products.

I'm hoping to find some other things that we can do, but I think those are a great start!