Monday, August 31, 2009

What cute things is Ethan doing these days? Let's see...he has an official pouty face and fully equipped quiver lip that will start way before actually being upset will. He coos and talks to me often, we have had many a conversation...and I'd like to think those conversations are about butterflies. When I put him on the changing table, he immediately lifts up his legs and butt so I can change his diaper (though sometimes he straightens them out so I can't put one back on...

I have orientation this week and then I start classes next week. I'm not looking forward to spending the morning away from him and then having homework detract from spending time with him, but I know that it is what is for the best and that my education is important for both of our futures. Plus, I know that even if I get overwhelmed I've got a great husband to help me through it!


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Who knew it was possible to love someone so much? I'm sure all the parents that came before understood. This song reminds me of Ethan, of him how he is now and how he will be later.

You break the glass, try to hide your face
Recorded lines that just will not erase
And buried in your loss of innocence
You wonder if you'll find it again

Was I there for the worst of all your pain?
And was I there when your blue sky ran away?
Was I there when the rains were flooding you?
Off of your feet
Those were My tears falling down for you, falling down for you
I'm the One that you've been looking for
I'm the One that you've been waiting for
I've had My eyes on you ever since you were born
I will love you after the rain falls down
I will love you after the sun goes out
I'll have My eyes on you after the world is no more

Did I arrange the light of your first day?
Did I create the rhythm your heart makes?
Could you believe when your candle starts to fade?
I want to be the One that you believe
Could take it all away, take your heart away

Isn't My life a clear sign since I have crossed over this chasm
To fill the space between Me and you?
And I will do it all over again
Just look for Me, just wait for Me

The One you've been looking for
The One you've been waiting for
You won't have to look anymore
The One you've been looking for
The One you've been waiting for

Monday, August 17, 2009

Ethan's baby dedication was on Sunday and it was a great service. It had a great message too, that parenthood isn't about laughing and that it is our most important ministry. To leave someone on this earth who is responsible and loving. His 2 month check up is this week and I'm leaving the room for his shots. I just can't imagine how much I'll cry! He also got his pictures professionally done on Saturday and I can't wait until I get them! They will be adorable! YAY! No new pictures for now. Soon though!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ethan is getting his 2 months pictures taken this weekend and having his baby dedication at our home church in Billings. I'm excited and nervous. It didn't go exactly as we planned for planning the dedication and I just feel a little hurt by it, but I realize now that actually I just didn't know what to expect and the "hurt" was partially my fault. I know that I need to start having a better relationship with Micki, because she is the home congregation minister. I'm excited to see all our family and have some fun this weekend! I'll get a little time away from Ethan again (not sure how I feel about it) and we're letting my mom babysit. Overall a good week though.
