Friday, December 31, 2010

It's gonna be a good year...

HOLY MOLY! it seems like just yesterday 2010 started. and seems like 4-5 hours ago I found out I was pregnant again!
Now, I'm 30 weeks along and it's mere hours until 2011!
Ethan is growing up so quickly. He's into everything (and climbing a ton) and talking up a storm! I so enjoy this stage, but every stage is my favorite one.
Kellan will be here in about 2 months. I won the bet with Andrew on if it would be a boy or girl. He's kicking up a storm in my belly right now (he loooove apples, which is a great, healthy choice for me, too!)

The VBAC plans are still going well. I'm trying to stay on top of my blood sugar, but I figure I will have to switch to insulin within the next week or two. I hope to avoid it if I can though...